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Labour Market Testing (LMT)

For all Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) 482, 494 and 186 visa nominations, Labour Market Testing (LMT) is essential. If LMT requirements are not met, nominations will more than likely fail. Given the cost of nominations, failure is not something businesses can absorb so it is imperative to get your LMT right the first time.


Mandatory LMT Requirements


  • Minimum of 2 separate job advertisements on job boards with national reach

  • Ads must be posted in Australia and in English

  • Ads can be posted on job boards such as Indeed, SEEK or Jora

  • Jobs advertised in local newspapers and on forums such as Gumtree, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook are not accepted

  • Ads on your business website are acceptable ONLY if you are an Accredited sponsor


Advertisement Details


  • Exact title of the role must be included as the ad header

  • Ads must state the name and location of the business

  • Position responsibilities must be included and must also include cooking and non cooking responsibilities

  • Salary range plus Superannuation must also be stated if the salary is lower than $96,400 AUD

  • Qualifications and number of years experience is required

  • Ads must state that the position is Full Time


*ALL ads must be placed during the 6 months prior to Nominations being lodged and each ad MUST run live online for a period of no less than 28 days. 


Please note: The Government job board Workforce Australia is no longer required for Labour Market Testing.


Please keep accurate records of your ad responses during the 28 day period. Evidence will be required as of when each ad went live, how many candidates applied for each role and the reasons why none were successful.


Businesses must have LMT evidence to support claims they have made real attempts to source staff from the local market. Don't allow your nominations to fail due to a lack of LMT evidence. If you would like us to assist with ad writing and posting, we are only too happy to help.



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